Website Design

Welcome to our Website Design expertise where we redefine website design as not merely an aesthetic endeavor but a strategic plan of attracting visitors who have an immersive user experience. We believe in going beyond the surface, recognising that a website is more than just a visual representation – it’s a dynamic portal that engages and captivates.

Bath Marketing Consultancy has been awarded Gold by industry specialists “Best For Web” under the category of Websites South West for 5 years in a row and we pride ourselves on the website work we deliver for our clients.

The way we work

Interactive, Engaging & Bespoke

There are literally thousands of companies out there that say they do bespoke website design, but websites need to do so much more than just look pretty. They need to look good, be found by the right people, work on smart phones and tablets, but more importantly, make people engage with you.

We research, plan, design, develop and deliver 10+ website projects every year and what our customers say about the work we do and the difference our work makes to their organisations means we know our stuff! Plus we are the owner of 4 Gold website awards by an independent industry specialist so you can trust us with your website.

Join us in transforming your website into more than just a digital space. Let’s create an experience that leaves a lasting impression, attracts the right audience, and encourages exploration beyond the home page. Elevate your online presence with our Website Design services.

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Think & Plan
Bath Marketing Consultancy will research your market and search terms and then put together a dynamic site map showing the structure of your new website before we do any design work
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Design & Build
Buying a WordPress theme is not what we do. We work with you on the design taking on board your likes and dislikes and then design your site putting our mark on things.
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Launch & Optimise
Why invest in a website if no one can find it or understand it? We make sure all the Google work is done correctly and that the customer experience is a good one.

Book a FREE Google audit 

Being visible online is vital for every business, but how does Google see your business. Using cutting-edge A.I software we look at: 

  • A thorough organic SEO audit
  • Analyse keyword strategies employed by your competition
  • Assess your blog’s SEO performance
  • In bound links / toxicity score
  • Site errors and broken links
  • Opportunities, and more…

Digital Solutions

Graphic Design

Bath Marketing Consultancy provide custom-made design solutions that are in perfect alignment with your brand identity and audience's preferences.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our SEO team boosts your site's ranking, driving vital traffic. With SEO dominating 68% of online experiences and Google's 91.94% market share, investing in SEO ...

Digital Marketing

We specialise in connecting businesses to customers through SEO, PPC, social media, content, and email marketing. Our tailored strategies ensure increased client traffic across diverse ...

Marketing Consultancy

At Bath Marketing Consultancy, we champion the 'why' in marketing. Beyond events and newsletters, we uncover your organisational essence, delving deep to grasp your offerings ...

Website Design

We create bespoke, award-winning websites optimized for Google and customer appeal. Employing diverse digital strategies, we ensure user-friendly designs that simplify your clients' search experience.

Google Adwords

Google AdWords transforms digital strategies, laser-targeting eager customers. Adaptable for all budgets, it offers real-time stats, perfect for on-the-go tweaks, boosting brand visibility, and getting ...

Request a free marketing consultation

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Please give us your details below and we’ll contact you to fix up a chat or a webinar consultation.

Request a FREE Google audit

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Simply give us your details and we will give you a website audit chock full of interesting information and possible opportunities for improvement using the latest software.
We will aim to come back to you within 24 hours.