Google Adwords

Welcome to our Google Ads expertise at Bath Marketing Consultancy, where we focus on precision, strategy, and cost-effectiveness. We understand that Google Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses, but only when executed with the right skills and strategic approach.

Google Ads is not just a pay-per-click model; it’s an intricate online auction platform. Here, businesses bid on keywords to secure a coveted spot in Google search results. At Bath Marketing Consultancy, we specialise in navigating this dynamic landscape, ensuring your ads appear strategically to your target audience.

The way we work

We Focus On Precision

Wasted spend due to ads appearing in the wrong locations or reaching the wrong people is a common pitfall. Our expertise lies in crafting ads that are not just eye-catching but are strategically designed to resonate with your audience, ensuring your budget is maximised for impactful results.

We cater to a diverse range of clients with varying monthly budgets, from £250pcm to £10,000. The beauty of Google Ads or PPC lies in its ability to deliver immediate results in Google search. With meticulous research, we create and manage campaigns across the three Google networks, providing you with full control over your daily spend.

But we go beyond the initial setup. We recommend running paid campaigns for around three months to allow Google’s algorithms to work their magic. Throughout this period, we continuously review and adjust bids based on devices used, the time of day, and location – making your campaigns not just visible but cost-effective.

Concerned about existing campaigns? We offer free audits and ongoing optimisation with detailed reporting. Google Ads are immediate and allows you to display your ads to potential customers precisely when they’re actively searching for a business like yours. Experience the power of targeted advertising with us – where strategy meets results in the world of Google Ads.

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Market Research
We audit Google to find current search trends, keywords and phrases so that we have a detailed knowledge of your market. We also look at what works best for you - search, shopping, display or video ads.
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Create Campaigns
Also, using competitor insights, location targeting, budget scheduling, A/B testing and ad optimisation, we will get to work on developing campaigns that give you the biggest bang for your buck.
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Get Enquiries
Google ads allow very specific targeting and can provide instant traffic to a website. We are a marketing company who deliver significant returns from running paid ads as part of a digital marketing strategy.

Book a FREE Google audit 

Being visible online is vital for every business, but how does Google see your business. Using cutting-edge A.I software we look at: 

  • A thorough organic SEO audit
  • Analyse keyword strategies employed by your competition
  • Assess your blog’s SEO performance
  • In bound links / toxicity score
  • Site errors and broken links
  • Opportunities, and more…

Explore Our Services

Graphic Design

Bath Marketing Consultancy provide custom-made design solutions that are in perfect alignment with your brand identity and audience's preferences.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our SEO team boosts your site's ranking, driving vital traffic. With SEO dominating 68% of online experiences and Google's 91.94% market share, investing in SEO ...

Digital Marketing

We specialise in connecting businesses to customers through SEO, PPC, social media, content, and email marketing. Our tailored strategies ensure increased client traffic across diverse ...

Marketing Consultancy

At Bath Marketing Consultancy, we champion the 'why' in marketing. Beyond events and newsletters, we uncover your organisational essence, delving deep to grasp your offerings ...

Website Design

We create bespoke, award-winning websites optimized for Google and customer appeal. Employing diverse digital strategies, we ensure user-friendly designs that simplify your clients' search experience.

Google Adwords

Google AdWords transforms digital strategies, laser-targeting eager customers. Adaptable for all budgets, it offers real-time stats, perfect for on-the-go tweaks, boosting brand visibility, and getting ...

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Request a FREE Google audit

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Simply give us your details and we will give you a website audit chock full of interesting information and possible opportunities for improvement using the latest software.
We will aim to come back to you within 24 hours.