Marketing Portfolio

Molior London

Residential development research specialists Molior approached BMC in 2023 to redesign their customer facing website

Our Brief

Molior helps key players in the London residential development industry make better-informed decisions on land, planning, building and selling by providing information either researched or in collaboration with experts.

With a discerning global clientele comprising High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs), Molior sought a visionary agency to reimagine their website, infusing it with prestige while enhancing its structural integrity.

What We Did

Our approach commenced with in-depth consultations, delving into Molior’s unique value proposition, target demographics, and competitive landscape. Recognising Molior’s diverse clientele, including direct high-level investors and agents, we curated a series of mood boards showcasing three distinct design directions. Each board encapsulated captivating imagery, harmonious color palettes, compelling content narratives, and a roadmap for brand evolution within its digital environment.

The Result

Amidst our collaborative journey, one design direction emerged as the clear frontrunner. Through rigorous qualitative testing and iterative refinement, we collaborated closely with Molior to refine imagery, conceptualise captivating drone videography, craft impactful textual narratives, and engineer a meticulously structured website.

Our design ethos centered on a monotype aesthetic, leveraging evocative location imagery, subtle animations, and meticulously crafted content to convey professionalism and high-quality service. The result is a visually striking and strategically aligned website, poised to elevate Molior’s online presence and resonate deeply with their discerning clientele.

Key Skills Used

Combined with our top level customer service, these are the key marketing initiatives we employed to deliver on the brief.

  • Marketing Consultancy
  • Website Design
  • Brand Audit
  • Brand Design / Progression
  • Site under development

Kick-start Your Marketing Today

Whether it’s a comprehensive partnership in crafting a tailored marketing strategy or just an informal chat about potential opportunities to enhance your business, we’re ready to lend our expertise.

At BMC, we believe in making a difference in your marketing endeavors, working together to not only meet but exceed your goals. Let’s embark on this journey together. We look forward to hearing from you.

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