20 golden rules for running a successful business.

Below is a list of the 20 things to consider when running a successful new business programme:

  1. Plan
  2. Create a fire, it is not about flicking a switch and sitting back
  3. Invest your time as well as your money
  4. Treat your company as a brand – define it
  5. Remember marketing is more than just new business and sales
  6. Develop a clear vision
  7. Aim high – but try and factor in some sort of safety net
  8. It is better to do a few things really well than loads averagely
  9. Remember the competitive framework – be noisy in a loud market
  10. Treasure your database
  11. Test, Test, Test
  12. Use all the tools of the trade – don’t rely on one initiative
  13. Invest in your own development
  14. Consider contra deals with complementary businesses
  15. Selling a meeting is the only thing you can do initially
  16. Work hard at keeping your name in the papers = Press Relations
  17. Prepare
  18. Use thr right team
  19. Keep in touch with your contacts
  20. People give business to people who want their business

As mentioned, these are Bath Marketing Consultancy’s top 20 rules, but they might not all apply to you and your business. If you would like me to elaborate on any particular point, please get in touch with me.

Over to you!

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People Buy From People They Like – Be Likeable!

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Treat your company as a brand – research it and define it.

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The Company Brochure

Yes, of course you need some sort of “company brochure.” It will frequently be requested by outsiders and often be left behind by you or your staff ...

Meet Bath Marketing Consultancy and see what we do

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Advertising on a limited budget

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How do you set about getting “leads?” How do you qualify them? How do you quantify them? There is an equation that can help you ...

Sell the benefit NOT the features or techniques

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Don’t be afraid to test

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Remember the competitive framework

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You are all individual!

In my experience, the vast majority of clients think that they have unique problems and that their needs are “special” and, as a result, they ...

Annoying TV ads

I can safely say that there are a number of TV ad campaigns running at the moment that are simply baffling to me in terms ...

Direct Marketing can really work

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Getting the best out of advertising

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What are your marketing resolutions?

Well, 2013 has started and could this be the year to really plan your marketing activity and take it to the next level?! The start of a ...

How to brief an agency

A good briefing of a marketing company in which you can make them fully aware of the marketing background to your situation is crucial to ...

Plan your marketing and stand out from the crowd

In business one of the key aims must be to turn a “suspect” into a “prospect” and then into a paying “client.” Competition is increasing in every ...

Make hay while the sun shines

If you are one of these people in business who worries about being too busy or where the next piece of work will come from ...

When is it right to say no to new business?

I think it is fairly true to say that times are not exactly easy at the moment and that the process of attracting and subsequently ...

What’s a page title or meta description…

To help with all he jargon, the below 5 points defines the five key parts of a Web site that should help in the search ...

Some people shouldn’t be in business

This post is not a moan or a whinge and, as I am posting information that is in the public domain and has been sanctioned ...

Website and SEO still in demand, but dont forget the other stuff

The title of this post pretty much sums up a lot of what we at Bath Marketing Consultancy are being approached to do by prospective clients in ...

Keep in touch and cross sell

Following a recent discussion on Live Radio Bath Marketing Consultancy participated in, one worrying statistic that came out was that, at any one time 40% of your ...

Marketing advice live on Frome FM Radio.

To listen to the live Small Business Programme that aired on Saturday 30th June, please click on the below link – Bath Marketing Consultancy live ...

3 years old and still learning

The vast majority of the posts Bath Marketing Consultancy writes contain marketing tips, advice and help on how to achieve the best results from certain ...

Paul Tagent, Bath Marketing Consultancy’s photostream

Paul Tagent, Bath Marketing Consultancy’s photostream on Flickr. Some examples of our work.

More sales please or do I mean marketing?

The word “marketing” has had numerous definitions and interpretations over the years, but, in layman’s terms Bath Marketing Consultancy sees marketing as a process that identifies and ...

Rugby and Tweeting; an interesting mix!

Last weekend I had a weekend pass for my belated 40th birthday present from my wife and children which took the form of tickets for both days ...

Social Media – do it now!

Following on from Bath Marketing Consultancy‘s last post on social media and effective SEO, I thought it would be helpful to elaborate on certain key ...

Social Media and effective SEO

For the first time in ages, I finally took myself out of the office yesterday and attended a workshop in Ilminster entitled “Master class for ...

I need to re brand

“I want to re brand my business” is a statement I have had thrown at me quite a lot recently by companies who contact Bath ...

Bath Marketing Consultancy; the future is bright….and challenging.

In this Blog, Bath Marketing Consultancy has written over 200 marketing related articles. The vast majority of which are dedicated to providing marketing advice and ...

Bath Marketing Consultancy interview for 2012 Bath Life Awards

Is it obvious that my children had not slept well the night before?! Also, how many pounds does the camera put on??!

"Marketing, marketing, marketing……

..when does it ever end?\” Was a question I was asked recently. The person I was with ran a niche, online retail business dealing with ...

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Put simply, a marketing plan provides direction for your marketing activities and I feel that having one can make the difference between business success and ...
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How much marketing consultancy do I need?

This is another question I have been asked recently – “how much of your time do you think I need?” The answer is, of course, ...

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2012 – what marketing are you planning?

Well, 2012 is now here and for most of us in business, it is back to work; back to the daily routine, back to the ...

What a year – thanks to all

Well, that is pretty much it for this year for Bath Marketing Consultancy. Work is far from over for us, but I hope that the posts ...

Get your marketing ready for 2012

The countdown to the end of 2011 has picked up speed and Bath Marketing Consultancy feels that there has never been a better time to ...

Leaky bucket?!

Sometimes a business can be represented by a leaky bucket where there is water going in (new business) as well as water going out through ...

2011- how has it been for you?

With only a few working weeks left in 2011, Bath Marketing Consultancy does not know what sort of year you have had, but we are ...

How to cope with rejection!

When touting for business, do not underestimate the benefit of picking up the phone. We all know how thick skinned you have to be to ...
corporate identity

Design and corporate identity

Whenever you start thinking about corporate material, the question of design will rear its head. i.e do we use a new style; do we buy ...

Client reviews = good for marketing

Assuming that you delivered on the promises you made when starting work with your customers, you will continue to keep them happy between projects the ...

Running a Seminar as part of marketing?

The decision to run a seminar should not be taken lightly. It is very likely that you know your subject matter inside out and could ...

SEO is not just a box ticked

When it comes to getting the best from your website, a lot of emphasis should be placed on how it performs in search and, just ...

It’s noisy out there!

To be blunt, it is noisy out there in the market you operate in. If you are in charge of a business or its marketing, ...
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Pretty pictures vs making marketing work

Some might see this topic as controversial, but my aim is to show that having a beautiful logo, a “creative” advertisement and/or a pretty website ...

The Marketing tools of the trade

Marketing is a multifaceted process. It offers a wide range of tools for placing your service/product in front of clients and prospects. The main “tools” ...

Seasonal marketing

Do you experience seasonal fluctuations with your business? If so, you are not alone! One of the trends that Bath Marketing Consultancy is experiencing right now ...

Marketing and the importance of planning and research

Of all the functional areas of a business, marketing can well be the most pervasive and dynamic activity. In my opinion, marketing should lead all ...

What makes up a brand?

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Managing business growth. What do you do?

I thought that this subject was one that could well strike a chord with a lot of my readers and clients as a high percentage of ...

Website "Before & After" Gallery by Bath Marketing Consultancy


Need marketing expertise, why not invest in yourself….and your business?

I have always found that winning new business is something that is actually quite complicated as  it can come as a result of so many ...

Direct mail or do you mean direct marketing?!

Direct Marketing Let’s just clear up one thing to start with…do not get confused between direct mail and direct marketing! Direct Marketing is NOT direct mail! ...

Bath Marketing Consultancy’s photostream

Paul Tagent, Bath Marketing Consultancy’s photostream on Flickr. A sample of some of Bath Marketing Consultancy’s work.

To pitch or not to pitch

When I left the advertising “agency” world back in 2009 after long stints in Fleet Street, The Channel Islands and Bristol, one thing I promised ...

SEO. Just a bit of fun!


Bath Marketing Consultancy’s clients do pretty well at SEO too!

Bath Marketing Consultancy – SEO Experts

Technology means you CAN take time off.

Worldwide access I cannot tell you all how much better I have felt this week while away from my business than last time I took ...

What is the best form of marketing for my business?

This question has raised its head a number of times recently as we are entering a time where seasonal fluctuations for some businesses can mean ...

Search Engine Optimization – what not to do.

Play with a straight bat. Following on from my previous article about what to do for SEO, please find Bath Marketing Consultancy’s list of don’ts ...

Search Engine Optimization; what you do

I wanted to put together a list of do’s and don’ts for you to read and, while I was writing my list, I came across ...

Effective marketing comes after market research

How many of us in business actually research our market before jumping straight in and starting a new business or embarking on a marketing drive? ...

AIDA – explain it please.

I am pretty sure you have all heard of AIDA – the 4 key areas of advertising – but do you know exactly what they ...

To blog or not to blog…

…..that is the question! For the first time in years, I have genuinely found myself at a slight loss as to what to write about ...

Video interview for the Bath Life Awards 2011

How tired do I look??!

Keep Sight of the Bigger Picture in SEO

Having a website that ranks in the top 5 or 10 search positions for competitive search terms can be very lucrative especially as a single ...

Videos for even better SEO

Traditional search engine optimization has mostly been centered on actual written content.  Yet more and more the content on the Web is in video form rather than ...

Link exchanging, yes or no?

When looking to generate “inbound links” to your website, some of the easiest to get are ones where your website links to a website who ...

Social Media for SEO

Social media was not originally a part of SEO, but that is changing. Google is now sending out its bots to crawl for “tweets” and ...

Build quality, inbound links

This might sound obvious, but by continuously building links into your site your rank in Google will be infinitely improved. However, be very aware of using black ...
Content Marketing

Create Content for SEO

Having quality content is a fundamental requirement for all websites if you want them to perform organically within search engines. There are probably 3 main ...

Long-term authority is the name of the game!

Once launched, a new website is unlikely to see much SEO traffic to start with, so Bath Marketing Consultancy’s suggestion is to focus on making ...

Focus on Building Trust to increase your rankings

It’s a lot to do with trust! Following on from my previous post, new websites are given a little bit of trust by search engines, ...

Lower Your Expectations

 Organic SEO In order for your website to be successful as a marketing tool it needs to attract traffic.This traffic usually arrives from one ...

Why hide things? Be transparent!

The reason for this post is to share some experiences which have helped cement client relationships for me in the hope that it will reassure ...

2011 – 20 pointers to look at to ensure success

What can be better for a small business than looking at a full diary; a diary that has lots of potential new clients booked in?! ...

Overcoming the dreaded answerphone

How many times do you pluck up the courage to make a sales call either as a cold call or as a follow up and ...

The Christmas period and how it impacts on the Small Business

After one of the most hectic ends to one month/start to another I have ever experienced on both the professional and personal front with some ...
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Marketing. A cost or an investment?

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Google Adwords

Website, Blog, News…..why all 3?

A great deal has been written about the merits of creating quality “inbound” links with regards to boosting a websites performance within search engines and ...
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Talk about the benefits NOT the technique or features!

Bath Marketing Consultancy received a call recently from a lovely lady I have met at Networking asking my advice about a new venture she is ...

Every (prospective) client is different

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Working on holiday. Right or wrong?

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Don’t be afraid of commitment!

Sometimes people see marketing as more of a quick fix process; a sort of knee jerk “distressed” purchase typically after experiencing a slow period in their business. ...

Twitter Facts for Internet Marketers

I recently came across a very interesting article by By Anna Johnson about Twitter based on Twitter’s recent 2010 developer conference, Chirp, the company’s co-founders Evan ...
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You have a brand whether you like it or not!

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Leads – where are they and who are they?

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Market Research – DIY Tips

I have been involved with a number of blue chip clients over the years who have embraced my idea of actually engaging an external agency ...

Possible objections when cold canvassing

When it comes to objections, how many could you come up with? How many have you had? I am sure the prospect will have more, ...

Money, money, money

One of my Tweets this morning was just a snippet about profit being far more important than numerous sales or account wins. The reason for ...

Develop a clear vision

I was with a new client the other day who told me a number of times how good his business was at supplying the product ...

What is marketing all about?!

To me marketing is not just about making sales or having a glossy brochure as a leave behind, it is about following a number of initiatives that ...

But what should the proposal document include?

Following on from yesterday’s post, I believe that a written proposal should separate itself into 7 individual parts and these are: Background information & objectives ...

Writing a winning proposal – Part 1

I have recently found myself in a number of pitch situations where the prospective client has wanted to review a number of similar organisations before ...

Websites & Internet marketing

The Internet. Let’s be honest, we cannot resist the lure of the Internet. Everyone is using it for marketing. It is impossible to resist! However, ...

Media buying – how to play the game.

Negotiate hard. For any publishers that are reading this, I would like to apologise in advance as I am going to go through how to ...
corporate identity

The advert – avoid these mistakes & categories

Following on from my post yesterday on the merits of advertising, I thought it was worth pointing out some of the traps that professional services ...

Advertising. Yes or no?

Standing out? Can advertising generate leads? Should it be a part of your marketing activity? What type works? Some quite strong questions for a Monday morning! ...

Marketing is more than new business.

Although I am a great fan of business plans, it is having a marketing strategy that will make the difference to your business. Such a ...

The Brochure Part 2 – A New Approach

Following on from my previous post, I think that the planning and the production of the company brochure should be the catalyst for producing a ...

The Company Brochure – Part 1

After nearly 20 years in the industry, I am not 100% sure why companies have such an obsession with a company brochure! Yes, by all ...

During the pitch..

Following on from my last 2 posts, I thought I would continue with some more helpful tips about the actual pitch itself to help you ...

The pitch – structure and planning

While undergoing numerous sales training courses when I was working at the Sunday Times and then Miller Freeman, I was always told to : Say ...

The beauty parade – before the pitch

In contrast to a credentials presentation or document where the content is usually decided by you, the competitive pitch is led by the client brief. ...

Seminar or Conference – how to make it a success

Outline the benefits This is not as easy as it seems, especially when you consider how many are available at one time. In addition, once ...

Direct Mail – have you used it?

About a year ago, I wrote an article giving tips on how to use Direct Mail as an effective marketing initiative, but I have come across a lot ...
a marketing or business plan.

The Role of Marketing

In my opinion, businesses must make selling a high priority within an overall plan, but such a plan is likely to be labelled a marketing ...

Top 10 Marketing Tips for Success

1. Slash your advertising budget in half. Use the money you save to test some other simple forms of marketing. Better yet, get on the ...

What is a brand? How do I get one?

On more than one occasion I have been asked this question and the person asking has then quickly followed up the question with the statement, ...

Breathe for a Change

After a great 10 minute presentation at a recent networking event in Frome, I asked the speaker Mr Ken James, if he would like to ...

Cheap can be expensive

Firstly, let me apologise for my lack of Blog activity this week. It has been one of those weeks where, despite my best efforts, time ...

What about advertising??

There are a number of conflicting reports and discussions about the merit of using advertising in your marketing activities so I thought I would outline ...

The high\'s and low\'s of being in business

Most of the Blogs I write are dedicated to helping people with their marketing; giving advice based on my experiences gained from over 17 years ...

The high’s and low’s of being in business

Most of the Blogs I write are dedicated to helping people with their marketing; giving advice based on my experiences gained from over 17 years ...

Key writing techniques

In my experience, there are two types of advertising techniques being used at the moment by businesses – direct response advertising and branding advertising. The former ...

What is a site map and do I need one?

Bath Marketing Consultancy have been asked a number of times recently about this subject so thought I would put together a brief explanation for you. ...

There is no magic formula to successful marketing. Is there?

It’s another Monday morning and I have been thinking about what write today that would help my readers with their marketing. Racking my brains, I recall ...

Social Media Optimization

Ranking high on major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing is not a paid endeavour, but rather a combination of factors, including: • ...

Want a bigger slice of the SEM pie?

Big Slice? It’s not just about driving traffic and conversions. In my opinion, a secondary objective for a large amount of search marketing activity (SEM) ...

Direct Mail with your invoice…

I came across an article recently that got me thinking. It was such a simple idea and yet made huge amounts of sense. It was all ...

Black Hat SEO

Be careful of the Black Hat A malicious SEO poisoning attack, also known as a Blackhat SEO attack, occurs when hackers manipulate search engine results ...

30 Questions to test you and your business

1 Can you and your team name three things that set you apart from the competition? 2 Do you communicate the benefits of your product ...

8 areas to consider when writing content

“Content is King” is something that is said with great frequency in the marketing world so I have put together a quick check list of ...

Social Media – Do I or don’t I?!?

Yes or no?! There has been huge ongoing debates about social media and whether it is a marketing initiative that business simply have to implement ...

SME Marketing Tips

Below is a list of 7 simple tips to help the SME when considering marketing activity. They are simple, low-cost ways for any small business ...

Social Media = Online Networking

Networking has been used as a marketing tool for generations of business owners and I find it is a good profile builder for my business. ...
search engine-optimisation

5 Top Tips to help SEO

Below are the 5 main areas Bath Marketing Consultancy think you should look for when building a website which effectively can prevent a site from ...

Social media

Bath Marketing Consultancy came across an article recently that gave a whole load of stats about online trends relating to social media and its usage ...

Spotting the marketing thief

This is as much a post asking for advice as giving it and based on a recent problem I have experienced. In a nutshell, I ...
digital marketing tools

Why Content is King by Gail Gibson.

Bath Marketing Consultancy is proud to post this Blog written by a friend, colleague and professional copywriter, Gail Gibson of True Expressions. Do the words ...

Save money and the planet

Bath Marketing Consultancy came across this news snippet on Brand Republic and thought it very apt as I am an E.ON customer, am conscious of ...

Mistakes to avoid in Marketing

Some common mistakes to try and avoid when carrying out marketing initiatives are: Advertising to the wrong people Using the wrong messages Marketing at the ...

Getting hacked off?!

I dont know about anyone else, but Bath Marketing Consultancy is getting increasingly frustrated by the recent hacking of it’s Twitter account. It happened 3 ...

Top 10 Advert Tips

Not all of the below are possible all the time, but Bath Marketing Consultancy have constructed a check list of the sort of criteria you ...

‘Patient’ marketing…

I know it is early on a Monday morning and it is raining outside, but this article is not a moan influenced by these factors. ...

Marketing Consultancy – what, how and why??

I came across a well known advertising agencies’ mission statement recently and it read something along the lines of – ‘It makes a lot of ...

Anorak internet stats…

Taken from the ONS, I thought it was worth outlining the importance of having an internet presence and the sheer numbers now having access to ...

Digital media still the way forward

Havas suffered a 14.3% year-on-year decline in organic growth in the UK in the fourth quarter of 2009, as the French marketing group said its ...

Iceland look for a new ambassador

Iceland is finally ditching its celebrity-focused marketing strategy and looking to appoint one of its customers to become its ‘brand ambassador.’ I have yet to ...

Domino’s launches Facebook ‘superfans’ social media push

Apparently Domino’s Pizza has launched a new social media campaign on Facebook rewarding users’ brand loyalty with prizes and special offers. As part of the ...

Dissertations and the funniest advert ever

Having been bombarded by enquiries from final year students last week asking for comments and help with their dissertations, (I even had a lady from ...

Improve your marketing; test yourself

Bath Marketing Consultancy believes that no single marketing initiative will work in isolation and suggest that between 6 and 10 initiatives is what each business ...

Apple launches the iPad in San Francisco

With under a 10 inch screen, Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs has called it “a magical truly revolutionary product”. Jobs said that what this device does ...

Nuts……or is it balls?

With sales down 24.6% down year on year to 188,532, the IPC-owned lads mag ‘Nuts’ is rolling its new look in February supported by a ...

Armani & Reebok team up

Giorgio Armani & Reebok have teamed up to create a combined clothing collection which was unveiled last weekend at the Milan Fashion Week. Armani’s EA7 ...

Search Engine Glossary of Terms

I get a lot of questions from clients asking me exactly what terms like CPC, SEO, SEM, title tag and in bound links actually mean. ...

Money for Haiti

Although this not a marketing related article, I do think it is very newsworthy. After the devastating earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck ...

LA Fitness + Alesha Dixon?

As part of the group’s £30m investment plan which will also see it refurbish all it clubs by 2012, LA fitness, the gym chain, is ...

No gas for 10 years….

To coincide with the brand’s 75th anniversary, Calor Gas, the bottled gas brand, is rolling out its first TV advertising for a decade. Calor is ...

Ads don’t have to win creative awards to win..

There seems to be a lot of debate in the marketing industry about ‘adwatch recall.’ By this I mean what advertisment or campaign consumers remember ...

And the award for the most irritating advert goes to….

…..Gocompare.com! Not really a surprise is it?! They may grab our attention and then get inside our heads, but some adverts are memorable for all ...

Pepsi backs Lipton with Hugh Jackman.

Lipton Ice Tea (Pepsi Lipton International is a joint venture between PepsiCo and Unilever), will launch a global marketing campaign in March featuring new ambassador ...

What is a Blog and do I need one?!

Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs ...

Marketing in a recession…

In my never ending attempt to educate clients about the importance of marketing in a recession, I came across an article by Mark Bower that pretty much ...

To sponsor or not to sponsor?!

I was reviewing sponsorship as a marketing initiative earlier as Bath Marketing Consultancy is in talks with Cancer Research UK and I remembered that MasterCard ...

\'It\'s here…..\'

On 15th December, I Blogged about the new Nexus mobile phone from Google. Well…..here is what it looks like – There is also a promo ...

‘It’s here…..’

On 15th December, I Blogged about the new Nexus mobile phone from Google. Well…..here is what it looks like – There is also a promo ...

Google Earth and Facebook bring Guinness to life online

This, I feel, is a cracking bit of online marketing by one of the big brands – Guinness. Basically, Guinness (BMC – cracking website too) ...

Getting into marketing?

Despite reading that over 250,000 people were made redundant in 2009 with predictions by People Management of some 2.8 million unemployed in 2010, there still ...

‘Comic’ Omid Djalili to front new Moneysupermarket.com campaign

I was about to Blog about yet another TV advert for a compare insurance type site when I checked Brand Republic’s site and saw that ...

Hovis tops ITV’s Ad Of The Decade

Adapted from ‘Marketing News’ I have found this little news item which I thought my provoke some comments…… Hovis’s ‘Go On Lad’ advert has won ...

Ford could sell Volvo this month

Ford has reportedly reached an agreement with China’s Geely to sell its Volvo unit. According to various reports both sides expect a sale of the ...

Twiggy had been airbrushed!!

Before Christmas, Ad regulators upheld more than 700 complaints about an ad for an Olay product after Procter & Gamble admitted that a photo of ...

Four little things worth remembering for 2010…

I came across a number of marketing ‘facts’ this morning some of which caught my eye: The more data you have, and the more you ...

Bathstore launches £1.5m campaign

As the ‘January Sale’ battle starts in ernest today, Bathstore, the bathroom specialist retailer, has launched a £1.5m January sale campaign rolling it out across ...

Comedy to outsell film DVDs says Tesco

Tesco claims sales of comedy and TV DVDs will outsell its film chart for the first time, attributing the change to the success of stand-up ...

Marketing for Chrome

Although it has not been around for long Google Chrome is getting a major marketing boost in the UK. Today there are wrap-around cover adverts ...

10 more brands not involved with Tiger Woods!!!

As Bath Marketing pointed out in Twitter recently, several of Tiger Woods’ sponsors such as Accenture and Gillette, are distancing themselves from the golfer as ...

Susan Boyle dominates YouTube in 2009

Even though I am not a huge fan of his, Bath Marketing Consultancy thinks that you’ve got to give credit where credit is due. Simon ...

Domino\'s Pizza sponsors new ITV show

Just as we all thought it was safe to turn on our TV’s again at the weekend there is ANOTHER reality show called \’Take Me ...

Domino’s Pizza sponsors new ITV show

Just as we all thought it was safe to turn on our TV’s again at the weekend there is ANOTHER reality show called ‘Take Me ...

Ann Summers hijacks online BA strike interest

A cracking bit of intuitive, online marketing took place yesterday that I thought you would be interested to know. Basically, Ann Summers, the adult retail ...

Google could sell own-brand phone direct by early 2010

The word on the street is that Google has given employees a prototype mobile phone to test, which it is reportedly planning to sell directly ...

Durex launches online community

This news snippet has been taken from a leading marketing related website and I thought it was something that needed discussing as I am thinking ...

Morrisons launches £4 festive meal-deal for four

As we approach Christmas Day the supermarket chain Morrisons is attempting to help consumers spread the cost of the Christmas period by launching a festive ...

More than just marketing facts…..

Bath Marketing Consultancy is not just a organisation bursting with marketing trivia. As golf seems to be in the public domain at the moment; how ...

Blogging for search engines

I write daily articles and stories on my Blog abouthings t that I feel will be interesting to the marketing community, my clients, prospects and ...

Article Marketing

Did you know that getting your articles circulated free on the internet doesn’t just bring you an ongoing stream of new customers, it also brings ...

The perfect Chrisrtmas present?!

Priced at £1.92 million and 10 months in the making, the iPhone 3G S Supreme is the perfect Christmas present for the person who has ...

‘Clean’ Advertising?

We wrote an article on the 24th November about Waitrose and its teaming up with Shell. We have just come across another article describing a ...

‘Clean’ Advertising?

We wrote an article on the 24th November about Waitrose and its teaming up with Shell. We have just come across another article describing a ...

Marketing and your business plan

How does marketing fit into your business plan? There are a number of companies that can help you construct a business plan and provide a ...

What should you pay a marketing officer?

With a typical salary of £27,397, a marketer at this level is also likely to be paid a bonus of £1,800. A marketing officer working ...

Calling all men – do you want a 6 pack??

I came across this article this morning about a new vest by George of ASDA that gives men an instant 6 pack and reduces man ...

How well does your website score?

Three key things you should know about your website and how it is performing are: The Strongest Pages on your website – Determines what the ...

The definitive explanation of ….MARKETING!!!!

Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion …   You’re a woman and you see a handsome man at a party. You go up to him ...

The definitive explanation of marketing!

Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion … You’re a woman and you see a handsome man at a party. You go up to him ...

Online facts and figures

When looking for some recent facts on consumer online behaviour, I came across this (click the header title to see the report in full) and ...

Waitrose to sell products at Shell petrol-station forecourts

Some good news for a Tuesday found online this morning: Oil giant Shell is to begin selling grocery products from retailer Waitrose at its UK ...

Coca Cola aims to target………..everyone!

I came across a very ambitious article discussing Coca Cola’s marketing objectives – being ‘laser-focussed’ at doubling its profits by 2020 by targeting everyone globally! ...

E Marketing (for Law Firms)

I have extensive experience in working with a number of firms from the legal sector and e-mail marketing can be a tricky business. Aside from ...

Whatever next?!

Marks & Spencer’s Christmas advertising campaign has been accused of sexism. The ASA is assessing eight complaints it has received over a line spoken by ...

BMW sign as 2012 Sponsor

Taken from an article on Marketing Week. The car maker will be the tier one automotive sponsor of the Games after agreeing a deal with ...

Jamie Oliver – a seriously clever businessman

Breaking news that I have come across is that Jamie Oliver is launching a dating portal on his website through a 2 year deal with ...

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